From the President
Twenty seven decades-worth of President and President Emeritus illuminated Lights (I will not say “flooded into Lights” – that might touch a few nerve endings) simultaneously in late July, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. There were only two things (which may well receive attention elsewhere in the yearbook) of which to complain and to set against these there were good food and fellowship, proper beer and cricket, a Captain who shaved every match-day morning (and otherwise rivaled Brearley), long periods of glorious sunshine, a succession of the most beautiful grounds in the known universe (even if some were subaquanean) and an abundance of the most elegant and charming supporters. In addition, and not unconnected with these, the boundary was frequently edged with potential second-generation Sou’Westers, some of whom have already made their debut. What more could POFs want? Come and join us, for as long as possible, in 2010.
Christopher Dean